Our Team


Wesley Adams

3D artist, animator, and level designer; Wesley is a co-founder for the Columbus, Ohio game studio Multivarious Games by night and currently works in eLearning with Xcelerate Media by day. He has been supporting COGG since 2010. On the side he enjoys helping in a charity called the American Pie Party (APP). The APP helps bring awareness and funding to organizations to eradicate cancer with pie-in-the-face humor. Wesley enjoys connecting local game development communities together and supporting fields of learning like the after school k-12 program Game-U. His guilty pleasure in games are point-and-click-adventures.


Scott Baker

Co-starting some of the first game development communities in Ohio in 2003, Scott’s journey has lead him to be involved in many facets of video game creation. A passion for level and game play design led him to opportunities for start ups, education initiatives, teaching, and building games as a hobby. Today he uses his experience in helping the community be the best at their craft and help them find the resources they need. He is especially interested in the potential of a video game’s capability for creative story telling without glorified sex and violence. Living in Columbus, Ohio as an IT architect he also enjoys reading books with his wife and collecting classic video games.


Caleb Eno

Digital storyteller, programmer, designer, and all-around enthusiastic guy; Caleb is a Technical Designer working at Digimancy Entertainment. He’s been an active contributor to the COGG community since 2016. Between helping organize events and running the monthly COGG Let’s Play, Caleb’s favorite part of COGG is getting to meet everyone and to see the incredible passion this community brings to making games. With his wife and two kids, Caleb hosts a weekly small group through Veritas Community Church. His first love in video games is Mega Man 6 which began a lifelong love of games, though there is a special place in his heart for platformers and all things Mega Man.